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My teaching stems from my lifelong dedication to movement. I grew up in a Korean-Australian martial arts family, transitioning from judo and taekwondo to study ballet in Melbourne and move onto a dance career in European theatres.

Now, internationally recognized yoga teacher with 25+ years of experience my focus lies in the therapeutic aspects of yoga, emphasizing biomechanically sound alignment, yoga philosophy, and a tantric worldview.

In Europe I am an established educator for yoga teachers, qualified to lead advanced teacher trainings - which I love! Additional to my highly regarded Anusara Yoga teacher
trainings I am also co-founder of a healing system that integrates yoga, Ayurveda and bodywork: ThaiVedic.

My teaching

I am now based in Bali where you can practice with me online or in-person at the beautiful Radiantly Alive studios in Ubud.

My precise and structured approach to teaching makes complex material accessible and enjoyable, offering physically challenging, mentally stimulating, and emotionally uplifting classes. I believe that the transformational techniques and teachings of yoga empower us in our quest to sense our worthiness and live our full potential.

It's not about the poses, it's about the person.

Anusara Yoga
Structural Yoga Therapy
Yoga and Ayurveda
Teaching Methodology

The key areas of my teaching are...

Anusara Yoga is a modern school of hatha yoga founded by John Friend in 1997. The standards for certification are high, requiring several years to achieve certification. I attained full certification in 2011 and am now an Advanced Teacher Trainer (ECAT) registered with the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga

I fell in love with the elegant principles of alignment, based on biomechanics, which have been a tremendous support in relieving pain and healing injuries for both myself and my students. I had been teaching successfully for 7 years when I started my Anusara studies. The teaching methodology significantly refined my teaching, making me a more effective and skillful teacher. The uplifting tantric worldview has opened my heart to life in new and joyous ways. 

The word “Anusara” means to flow with Grace which in essence describes a willingness to be open to life and celebrate the Divine in all things. 

In my Anusara classes, expect a practice that is slow, safe, and strong. I weave philosophical concepts and inspirational ideas into the therapeutic alignment for a class that moves your mind and heart as well as your body.

My Anusara Yoga workshops, immersions and teacher trainings provide high quality education for yoga teachers of all styles and traditions.

Anusara Yoga

ThaiVedic is an international school offering a holistic and integrated curriculum.

Founded by Sebastian Bruno and Kimmana Nichols in Thailand, they invited me to join them in establishing our 200 Hour Holistic Yoga Therapy training. 

Since 2016, we have offered this training annually. It has a unique curriculum, providing revolutionary education by integrating the wisdom of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Thai Massage with the most powerful holistic therapies of today. 

I lead the morning yoga classes, introducing students to alignment principles based on biomechanics and lead the sessions on Structural Yoga Therapy.

This is not a typical 200 hour yoga teacher training focusing on asana and how to teach yoga classes. Instead, we explore various yoga therapies such as mantra, meditation and alignment, plus movement, bodywork, and Thai Massage—all viewed through the lens of Ayurveda and holistic medicine.

Our courses are IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine) certified. You will gain an internationally recognised qualification, enabling you to practice holistic therapies around the world. Our training also offers Yoga Alliance 200 hour YTT Certification.

Participants deepen their knowledge of self-care and healing while also learning how to share this knowledge with others. Our 2024 training will take place in Bali and our 2025 training in Thailand. Learn more here.


Structural Yoga Therapy is my approach to applying the alignment principles of Anusara Yoga with the aim of assisting people who want to be free of pain and limitations in their movement. This work primarily focuses on the bones, joints, muscles, and fascia—the physical structure of the body.

Inspired by the Optimal Blueprint concept, I distilled the Anusara alignment system into the Tadasana Template. This guide answers the question: What parts of the body need to move in which direction to establish an optimal relationship between the different parts?

The Tadasana Template simplifies the process for yoga teachers, even those with limited anatomical knowledge, to accurately pinpoint areas of the body requiring strengthening, stabilization, or mobilization, and flexibility. Actions of alignment, working with resistance, and isometric exercises are the key tools for adjusting and optimizing posture for lasting change.

After many years of working in this manner, I am consistently delighted by how often the work results in an immediate improvement or even complete alleviation of pain and a significant increase in range of movement. 

Whether experienced or new to working with this system of alignment, the practitioner will move towards more balance as they strengthen weaker aspects of their posture and open up stiffer parts while honouring the individual nature of their anatomy.

I offer Structural Yoga Therapy in private sessions with clients/students. It also plays an important role in my educational programs such as the ThaiVedic Holistic Yoga Therapy training and my advanced teacher trainings such as Body Freedom.

Structural Yoga Therapy

Yoga and Ayurveda are sibling sciences. These two ancient Indian systems have shared origins and are complementary in nature. Traditionally, Ayurveda is for the body and yoga is for the mind.

Ayurveda serves as a guide to understanding our individual constitution and needs, offering insights into the body's tendencies towards imbalances. It offers us the framework of the 5 Elements and the 3 Doshas to better understand our unique body-mind constitution. Yoga provides practices that enhance mental and physical well-being. Together, they form a holistic approach to self-care. 

Through the lens of Ayurveda, we gain the wisdom to choose the most beneficial yogic practices to support our health and vitality. Pranayama, meditation, mantra and asana can all be chosen specifically in response to individual needs and health imbalances.

These teachings are informed by my work with ThaiVedic. Together with Kimmana Nichols I developed highly effective dosha balancing yoga sequences which are part of our ThaiVedic curriculum.

Additionally I teach the foundational concepts of Ayurveda, Yogic Self-Care and the ThaiVedic dosha balancing sequences in workshops, immersions and trainings such as my Self-Care Immersion and my advanced teacher training module Body Freedom.

Yoga and Ayurveda

Teaching Methodology – the art of delivering high quality teaching - is one of my passions and something I have come to specialize in. I teach people how to be skillful, effective and inspiring teachers.

All my life I have been fortunate to come across great teachers who have been hugely instrumental in my development, helping me to change the trajectory of my life. 

One of my primary school teachers encouraged me to write poems and believe in the creative power of my own imagination. My childhood judo and taekwondo teachers (my parents!) taught me studentship and how to be unwavering in pursuit of my dreams. My ballet and dance teachers taught me dedication, discipline and how to strive for perfection in technique and artistry. 

My most influential yoga teachers have been role models not just in how to practice and teach yoga – but more importantly they have shown me what it looks like to embody the teachings by being a good person who with a clear mind and a kind heart holds to their highest values and deepest intentions.

I have been observing teachers my whole life. Once I started teaching myself I became fascinated with the question of what makes a teacher great.

One of the things that drew me to Anusara Yoga is the strong emphasis on teaching methodology. This includes classroom skills such as connecting with the hearts of the students, presenting a universally relevant theme by means of a short talk, weaving philosophical themes into the asana class, designing intelligent sequences, offering anatomically safe and beneficial manual adjustments, making use of inspiring language and developing effective verbal instructions for a safe and sustainable physical practice.

I started leading teacher trainings internationally in 2008. In 2020 I founded the Barbra Noh Yoga Akademie in Munich, Germany. Focused on 200 and 300 hour educational programs, in recent years I became specialized in advanced teacher trainings.

A new chapter has begun for me in 2024. I now live in Ubud, Bali and am collaborating with the yoga studio Radiantly Alive to plan teacher trainings and educational programs.

Teaching Methodology

Kind words

more testimonials

Karin Wind, Anusara Yoga Teacher | Mödling, Austria

"I am very happy to have chosen the ATT300. You are an absolute inspiration to me and I am honored to have you as one of my teachers. To learn from you is to learn from one of the best. The entire ATT300, including all the guest teachers and the whole organization around the training were highly professional. I always felt well taken care of as an online student."


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