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to be.

you're right where you're

One thing I am blessed with is a determination to seek solutions and solace. My own struggles have taught me the art of self-discovery, and I find immense fulfillment in guiding and empowering others on their paths.

I was drawn to yoga and inner work because, to be honest, I've never found life to be easy. I think most people deal with self-doubt and what I call "the worthiness issue." Things can appear great on the surface, yet we can be experiencing a deep, underlying struggle to simply be ourselves.

Being human, having a body, a mind, and emotions – all of this can be challenging at times. But the body, mind, and emotions are also gifts that hold the potential for our greatest joy and fulfillment.

I've been there.

trust me, I get it.

Yoga changed my life, providing me with invaluable tools to nurture and sustain myself on the levels of body, mind, and heart.

It softened the voice of my Inner Critic, allowing me to embrace life with more love and generosity. I want to share this transformative journey with you, unveiling a pathway to establishing a harmonious relationship with yourself.

I want to share this transformation with you.

yoga changed my


“You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging."

- Brené Brown

The foundation of my work in the yoga room is Anusara Yoga. This method includes incredibly effective alignment principles based on biomechanics. What I love most about this approach to alignment is its power to alleviate pain and enhance the asana practice, by making it not only safer but also highly beneficial for the body's health and longevity.

Anusara, a therapeutic form of Hatha Yoga, is highly regarded by physiotherapists and osteopaths. Its intelligent alignment principles strengthen and open the body, making previously unattainable asanas and movements accessible. I love seeing someone's mind get blown when they master something new for the first time. It transforms their perception of what's possible. The practice is excellent for practitioners working with injuries or limitations. I integrate props and modifications as needed. For experienced practitioners I offer techniques and variations to facilitate refinement and growth.

Working with the


Yoga philosophy is integral to my teaching. In particular I find the non-dual tantric worldview to be a great support for modern people navigating modern lives. It is uplifting while also remaining grounded in reality.

My approach to sharing philosophical concepts is undogmatic and very practical, making these profound ideas accessible and applicable to everyday life.

... and the


My passion for health and self-care practices stems from personal experience. As I toured the world teaching yoga for many years, overworking and insufficient rest led me into deep exhaustion. I decided being a burnt out yoga teacher was a contradiction in terms and so my studies of Ayurveda begun. 
The wisdom of Ayurveda offers insights to better understand our health, body, mind, personal strengths and weaknesses, tendencies towards imbalance and illness – all from the perspective of our individuality and what we need to thrive fully on our unique journey of life.

creating a balance

Let's embark on this empowering journey together.


After living in Europe for 33 years, I made the decision to relocated to Bali and start a brand new chapter of life. This move takes me much closer to my home country of Australia where I grew up with my Korean-Australian family.

Movement practices have always been a part of my life. My parents, both highly qualified martial arts instructors, were my first teachers. I grew up with Judo and Taekwondo but became passionate about ballet. After completing professional dance training in Melbourne I headed for Europe at the age of 19 to fulfill my dreams of dancing in European dance companies. 

Dance is an extremely competitive field. So on the one hand, I see it as an achievement that I danced professionally for 15 years. But on the other hand, it was a disappointment that my career did not unfold as I had hoped. Being a dancer is physically extremely demanding, and the constant pursuit of perfection took a toll on my mental and psychological well-being. I spent years feeling miserable, never good enough, thin enough or special enough. Self-loathing and body image issues cast dark shadows over my happiness. 

In my search for solutions and solace, I found yoga. In 1997, after my first yoga class, I came to sit after Savasana and experienced a sense of peace and well-being I had never known before. For the first time in my life, it felt perfectly fine to be me. 


Hi, I'm Barbra.

For 15 years, I taught regularly in Korea, Denmark, Bali, and Australia, and became established in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland as a respected educator specialising in teacher trainings. In 2016, I became the co-founder of ThaiVedic, an international school for yoga and holistic medicine, marking another significant milestone in my journey. 

My international career took off

Then in 2020 everything changed...and here I am in Bali ready to share my knowledge and skills with you.

I had been teaching successfully since 2000, but the real upgrade occurred in 2007 when I met my Anusara teachers.This completely transformed my practice giving me the therapeutic tools to heal my dance injuries. The tantric philosophy of Anusara Yoga opened my eyes to a positive, life-affirming worldview and the methodology improved my teaching skills immensely. 

years of dedicated practice and study followed.

Practice with me



This online platform is a haven to nurture your growth, health, and well-being.



200 Hour Training

Advance your skills as a Holistic Yoga Therapist.

Classes in Bali

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Practice with me in-person

at Radiantly Alive in Ubud


by barbra noh

Life is an opportunity to bring our unique gifts into the world. To do that we need a healthy, strong body, a well regulated nervous system, a clear and peaceful mind and a happy heart.

Anusara Yoga, yoga philosophy and Ayurveda have been a wonderful support to me personally. These are the tools I am passionate about sharing with you.

 and truly appreciate our individuality. 

genuine self-worth

I believe there is a way for us to nurture

  • Co-founder of ThaiVedic, International School of Holistic Medicine and Yoga Therapy since 2014
  • Registered Experienced Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher (ECAT) since 2018
  • Founder of the Barbra Noh Yoga Akademie in Munich/Germany 2019
  • Qualified to lead Anusara Advanced Teacher Trainings since 2020
  • Author of “Yoga - Mit Kraft und Anmut leben”: published 2015, 4th edition 2022, 10,000 copies sold.
  • 25 years teaching experience and community building. 

experience & qualifications

  • Practicing yoga since 1997
  • Sivananda teacher Training, Neyyar Dam/India 1999
  • Teaching yoga since 2000
  • Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher since 2011
  • Leading Teacher Trainings internationally since 2012
  • Working With People Training: A Psychology of Awakening 2013,
    study with Rafia Morgan and Turiya Hanover, founders of Path of Love
  • 15,000 hours in the yoga room working with students.

Kind words

more testimonials

Soham Johansen, owner of Hamsa Yoga Copenhagen, Denmark

“As the owner of the most vibrant yoga studio in Scandinavia from 2005 – 2021, I have worked with many yoga teachers from across the globe. What I find unique about Barbra is she always gives of herself in a very personal way. This is a quality you often see in really great artist, writers and performers. It makes the yoga very relatable and effective. She infuses her teaching with lived life experiences. Barbra is skillful, thoughtful, loving, funny and real.”


connect with barbra

 Reach out to me and let's connect. 

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